Tuesday, 25 February 2014

25th February.

What caused the summer blockbuster?-
Film piracy meant that directors had to use characteristics that would be appealing to the largest audience possible.- global appeal.
To get their films promoted in different places they need to be acceptable in all different places.

What is your opinion of them? 
In the many summer blockbusters it can be enjoyable to see a few but I agree that there are too many. The directors should use their large budgets to make a film with an interesting script, I think once a few are made and create news, directors will be able to get over their worry of risk. Also conforming to some of the blockbuster characteristics they will be able to get back their money, for example using a star in a good film will encourage an audience.

Exam-film context notes.
2 questions

Film censorship
Audience and technology
Decline in cinemas

Case studies:jaws
The godfather 
Star Wars 
Texas chainsaw massacre

Production-the ways they are made and reasons for making them

Distribution-hype and advertising to getting them out there to the public,cinema and rental

Exhibition/exchange- screening them to an audience,box office sales

Context meaning the work and production behind the scenes of the film for example financing and marketing.

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