Tuesday, 22 April 2014


What genres Films does 3D suit?
 Action Blockbusters

Did the UK digital cinema network succeed in exposing audiences to more varied types of films?

By making it cheaper for people to distribute films and also cheaper to exhibit dilms in cinemas, independent studios were able to afford putting their films in cinemas.

Is 3D successful in getting audiences back in the cinema?

As 3D can only be seen from the cinema it has brought in more people to the cinema, however once the experience is over it is likely that people will soon become bored of it and of the formulaic plots.

Does 3D have a negative impact on film production?
 As well as making film production more expensive, it also means that the films become very formulaic as they cost a lot of money and the studios will want to make a surplus so they wont take risks.

Which directors support 3D in their productions?
 James Cameron

James Cameron is the director of Avatar, which was one of the biggest 3D event movies because of the effects and 3D used.

What reasons were given by the FBI shutting down Megaupload?

 Breaching intellectual property copyright

They were sharing files which they did not own.

How has film distribution online/digital cinema helped Indie films get exhibited?

 Cheaper to get into cinemas

Independent directors can now afford to distribute their films through cinemas and websites meaning that they are more likely to be recognised.

Action blockbusters use a lot of effects which is what 3D films often have as the fights or effects look good with it.

Why has the film industry lost money from cinema attendance from 2000?

 illegal piracy

Piracy has allowed people to watch films online for free, which means they are very unlikely to pay for a film when they have to also go out of the comfort of their own home.

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