Tuesday, 26 November 2013

26th November

Mock- comparison of vfv and com
key scenes 

Macro of clip-
Narrative-unresolved resolution
Hero dies-stock character, unusual for the hero to die 

Mesages-tomorrow suggests hope 

Representation- father role
Kee doesn't know what to so once then dies,woman becomes hopeless
Social class, dirty clothes 

Sequel idea- kee and the child are taken aboard the tomorrow boat and taken to the human project. The government come to the project to remove all immigrants to a 'camp' when they see the baby they take the baby from her and experiment on kee. and now have to make a decision whether to publicise the child or to keep it hidden due to it's ethnicity. In the end they reunite kee with her baby and publicise them to bring hope.

Style-how it links to the story
grey colour 
Style reinforces the atmosphere 
Dead world, no children therefore no colour
Through Theo's perspective-grey-depressed without children 

Theme of parenthood- 

Theo-good guy, tragic&reluctant hero, an Everyman
Jasper-good guy, elderly martial arts master 
Kee-good guy,ingenue, damsel in distress 
Society-bad guy,space nazis,town bully(police)-immigrants,tycoon,fall guy
Human project-bad guy, fall guy
Luke-bad guy, town bully&fall guy 
Sid-bad guy, rake 

No because it has no clear beginning,middle and end. It also has a controversial plot. The characters do not conform to one stock characters therefore giving them a more realistic in depth personality. (No clear hero/villains)

Situational through line 

Video essay- key points
Narrative, chn 
Post modern narrative

To what extent does vfv and com conform to chn?

What are the conventions of dystopian scifi?
Dark colours/black 
Man vs technology 
Cgi effects 

Total recall is more similar to v for vendetta as it was similar to the super powers that v gains in the film. There is also more action in total recall which is similar to vfv. 

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