Thursday, 17 October 2013

V for Vendetta swede- truth of the government.

The scene which we chose does not include the stock characters typically used in films. In this scene we do not know who the person talking is and therefore we are unable to make a judgement on him as to whether he is a villain or hero. We are told about the government and how they are the secret villains in the film, however we do not know whether to trust the hidden man so we can not confirm that they are the villains. By not using the stock characters it creates mystery and intrigues the audience. There are no obvious mother or father roles in this scene, the only character we deeply meet is the hidden man. We could relate him to the father figure as he is trying to protect the country by giving the detectives the truth about the government. Sutler could be portrayed as the father of Britain as he has "supporters"who look up to him as a child would do.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Twilight vs. stake land

Hypothesis-how do the films break the stereotype and conform to the stereotype of a vampire? 

Twilight has emasculated the stereotype of vampires by the film plot including a 'forbidden love'.Both films also break the stereotype as they do not follow the usual characteristics of a vampire for example, some of the scenes are in daylight. They conform to he stereotype by including vampires who drink blood and can be harmful to humans, this is shown in stake land more, as it is classed in the horror genre and therefore shows more gore.

15th October film

Shaun of the dead and dawn of the dead
Horror films
Dawn of the dead prequel, 
Artefact-script was successful 
Script has good stage directions and descriptions not much dialogue 
The key frames-different angles and shots but 
Textual analysis-Shaun of the dead comparison 

Macro-focus on genre
The narrative of how the characters develop through the film 

Prequel- to show how the zombies disruption
Prequels have to end with the beginning of the next film
Prequel would probably be a resolution scene to set up the next film 

When writing a prequel you are most likely going to use a resolution scene to set up the next films plot and characters. The two films that I have to choose need to have a similarity in the macro area so that they can be easily compared.

Inglorious basterds compared to boy in the striped pyjamas.
The theme of religion and fascism is in both films, as the Jews are discriminated against by the nazis.
The nazi soldier tries to make a deal with the man hiding the Jews to help his family and in the boy in the striped pyjamas we see the nazi soldier with his family and being caring. However in both films we see them being discriminating to the Jews. 
Inglorious basterds is more action based, he makes little jokes to his soldiers making it more realistic

Hypothesis- how do the films show the different characteristics of a nazi?

Twilight vs.stake land 
Dull lighting
A scarier representation of vampires, shows them as the villain
No one smiles in either film 
Horror vs romantic 
Twilight breaks conventions of the horror genre 
Stereotype of a vampire
Sleep in coffins,
Can't go in sunlight etc
Masculinity of vampires in stake land compared to the feminine vampire and characters in twilight 

Hypothesis-how do the films break the stereotype and conform to the stereotype of a vampire? 

Twilight has emasculated the stereotype of vampires by the film plot including a 'forbidden love'.Both films also break the stereotype as they do not follow the usual characteristics of a vampire for example, some of the scenes are in daylight. They conform to he stereotype by including vampires who drink blood and can be harmful to humans, this is shown in stake land more, as it is classed in the horror genre and therefore shows more gore.

Monday, 14 October 2013

8th October class notes.

Mad scientist- Delia, creates a monster, V=disfigured

Girl next door-Evey, average girl, follow her 

Lone vigilante- V

Town bully- Creedy & finger men 

Whiskey priest- peadophile bishop

Hard boiled detective- finch, knows the harsh truth, makes it into a thriller (chasing v) 

Representation: British
Stereotypical British 
Upper class 
Patriotic country
Traditional values 
Portraying Britain as it is still in British heritage 
James Bond- secretive nation
Skin heads 
Rough working class 

V for vendetta- 
No royals 
Old buildings, old bailey, cathedral, parliament 
At the beginning of the film, equilibrium 
The pub, family's together 
"Voice of London" racist 

Evey births the revolution
Her torture before the revolution=labour

Friday, 4 October 2013

V for Vendetta essay.

Briony Costanza.

Thesis-V for vendetta has a variety of themes and messages. It is a dystopian film as throughout it presents warnings and messages. The film shows a fascist government who manipulate the country with “fear and panic”. The film was released after the terror attacks, which occurred in London and America (9/11), it created conspiracies of whether these attacks had any connection to the government as in V for Vendetta the government, are actually the terrorists. The film made the audience question whether they could trust their government. V for Vendetta presents the importance of freedom, and suggests the message that it is more important than life. The film not only gives warnings of the future but also comparisons of the past and present world, examples of this is Nazi Germany and how Hitler’s power allowed the country to become a fascist dictatorship. The film also is similar to the events in Guantanamo bay and the unjust acts that are occurring to the people imprisoned there.

Main body-
Scene-Scene 1 (Voice of London), and the scene of V preaching on the emergency channel
Analysis-The closeup of Lewis Prothero at the beginning shows his importance, this also suggests that the public and therefore believe and value his statements.
Synthesis- Should we believe everything we are told by the media?

Scene-Eveys time in prison “People should not fear their governments, the government should fear its people”
Analysis-The fear in the film is shown by the obedience of the citizens. They are taught to think that they should be obedient to the government and not to question them, as if they do they are likely to be punished. The fingermen (secret police).
Synthesis-Have we been taught to work for the upper class? Are we still living in a country with the ‘social ladder’ and is it followed?

Scene-V cooking for Evey, The crowd of people in V masks
Analysis-No one has their own identity in the film. Gordon and Valerie are examples of peoples sexuality having to be hidden or taken away. Eveys femininity is taken away by the mock prison camp and we do not know the identity of V as he has no recollection of his life before the detention centre. The mask creates a neutral gender for everyone so they hide theirs and V’s. By wearing the masks they also conforming to the governments want of not allowing people to be different.
Synthesis-Do we conform to the societies ‘norm’?

Scene-V blowing up the cathedral, the revealing of the governments virus plan
Analysis- Comparison to Guy Fawkes, Rokewood was mentioned and during the gun powder trial he was of said to “love Catesby above any wordly man” suggesting he could’ve been gay and fighting for his freedom. The government killing its own people, unable to trust anyone.
Synthesis-Can we trust our own government? Makes us question 9/11 and London bombings?

Scene-Crowd of V masks
Analysis-Shows that everyone together can make a difference. A symbol of everyone united.
Synthesis-By being united we can make a stand and get freedom. Revenge or silent protest?

Conclusion- The film shows different themes to put across a message that freedom is more important than life, this is true as without our freedom including speech and actions, we are unable to live with our own lives as we choose.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

1st October.

Class notes-
Religion, corrupt, used to gain power 
North fire 
The end justifies the means
Governments can be terrorists, v killing people and saying he is doing it for good in comparison to the government killing people for power saying they are helping 
V=one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter 

Themes and social relevance: 
Video1:Cyber attack 
Mask to hide identity 
Stands for freedom 
Cyber terrorist 
Military custody if you betray your country bombs for bits 
Political purpose 

Video2:Y2K BUG 
Planes come down 9/11
Media portrays differently 

Video3: Distopia in v for vendetta
Predicts world war IV
Population growth, scares the public 
V for vendetta gives warning 
Foreshadow/Predicts a deadly virus 

Video4: theme of justice/unjust damaged human rights 
Guantanamo bay relates to lark hill 
Claims to be a democracy,government 
No justice, no fair trial
To hold terrorists  
Dictatorship- totalitarianism 

Beliefs values and ideas 
How do themes create beliefs or ideas that the film is trying to portray ??

Propaganda-media manipulates the public 
Fear-servitude, obedient to your government, stay quiet don't protest
Torture- comparison to Guantanamo bay, nazis, tortured by her own government&v shows you cannot trust anyone
Child killed because of the mask
Terrorism-government killing it's people, viruses, v blowing up buildings 
Identity-symbolism no one has their own identity 
V is disguised by a mask
The government have a fake identity(two faced)

Putting the fire out with the rain, end of torture 
His revelation 
Water-birth baptism
The birth of the revolution 


I created this collage with pictures to represent Totalitarianism and Vengeance. The pictures on the right show V's revenge on the people who were apart of his experimentation and some apart of the government. The picture of V dead among the roses shows the consequence of him killing people, it also shows that his vengeance is complete as he can now die in peace. The pictures that show totalitarianism present the control the government have over the public, for example the BTN uses propaganda to dictate the publics opinions and actions.